A few people asked if I would write a blog again for this trip and so, although I sometimes slack on actually posting, I thought I would try again since it is a nice way to share pictures and stories beyond the reaches of facebook and emails. Hope you enjoy!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wedding pre-Christmas!

Pictures from a wedding we went to before Christmas! A colleague of Sarah's who was marrying a Burkinabè...traditional wedding in the village.

See the people in the trees?? This was towards the evening!

The happy married couple!

AMAZING 10 year old dancers!!

Just like this photo!

Meeting the delegation from his mother's side of the family!

Her family meeting the village chiefs, for them to welcome her into their community!

And the trek begins to the village to meet the elders!

Lots of people, lots of dust, lots of HOT! But very very special!

The entertainers after lunch was served!

The head table at the wedding!

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